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Set User View

1.0 How to Set User View

Step 1: Go to Tools | DIY | Maintain DIY


Step 2: Switch to View Template tab, then click on Load From File to select View Template to load


You can download this View Template - View by Agent (Current User) and load to SQL Account.

This View Template will filter document by Agent, where Agent is match to current login user Code.


Step 3: After select a View Template file to load, you can select Load All or Custom


  • Load All: All the template will load.
  • Custom: Can select all or some template to load. 4

Once completed, Loaded message will prompt and all View Template loaded will show.



Step 4: Right-click on View Template and click on User View.


Step 5: A list of User will shown, then tick on User View column for the User that want to apply this View Template and click Save.


Based on the scenario above, Invoice view by Agent - Current User View Template is applied to SALES user. When SALES user login to SQL Account, the user only can view those Invoice with Agent code equal to SALES

  • Login by SALES


  • Login by ADMIN
