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Password Policy (with 2 Steps Verification)

Password Policy Setup

  1. Go to menu : Tools > Options… click on Password Policy.


  2. You can choose the following password requirement:

    • Maximum Password Age (days): number of days to expire and change password.
    • Minimum Password Length: password length cannot less than the minimum,eg. 8. -Save Password History (0-5): number of password history not allow to re-use
    • Password combination of
      • At least one Upper Case letter (A-Z)
      • At least one Lower Case letter (a-z)
      • At least one number (0-9)
      • At least one non-alphanumeric character !$%^&*()_-+=@~#<,>.?

New User - Reset Password

  1. Go to menu : Tools > Maintain User.

  2. Click on More (arrow key down), click Reset Password.


  3. New password auto generated.


  4. Press Yes (Copy password to clipboard = Tick).

  5. You can press Ctrl + V to paste the New Password into email and send to the new user.

2-Steps Verifications Login

  1. Go to menu : File > 2-Steps Verification.


  2. Enter your current password, press Ok to proceed.

  3. Choose an Authenticator device.


  4. Follow the instructions to install and setup the Authenticator in your hand-phone.

  5. Each time login, you will require to enter the verification code generated from the Authenticator in your mobile phone.
