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Master Data

General Ledger (Maintain Chart of Account)


Watch tutorial video here: Youtube

  1. Creating a New Account

    1. Select GL | Maintain Account | Select category (e.g. Fixed Assets) | New

    2. Enter the GL Code and Description (alphanumeric characters are acceptable)

    3. Check the Special Account Type if applicable, e.g. the account is belonging to Accumulated Deprn Account (Fixed Assets)

    4. Click OK. Your new account is now created.



  2. Creating a Sub Account

    1. Point to the parent account (e.g. Cash at Bank)

    2. Follow the same steps from 2.1.1 Create New Account


    You are allow to create an unlimited level of sub accounts. Just point to any account, and add a sub or sub-sub account to it.

Maintain Customer


Watch tutorial video here: Youtube

There are 4 main tabs under Maintain Customer, let’s create a new customer and look at each tab one by one.

Create New Customer

  1. Customer | Maintain Customer | New

  2. Enter the customer’s name and other information accordingly.

General (Maintenance)

  1. You can categorize your customers into different groups, e.g. Category, agents, area How do you create your new agent/ area? Refer to the step below:


  2. You can also insert more than one billing / delivery addresses (unlimited)

  3. There are different options for viewing a customer aging and customer statement

    1. Customer Statement
      • Brought Forward: Summary Statement

      • Open Item: Detail Statement

    2. Customer Aging
      • Invoice Date: based on IV Date
      • Due Date: Based on after due date (terms)



Advance Credit Control (*Pro Package Inclusive)


You can set the credit limit and overdue limit amounts as well as blocking a certain transaction entry for specific customers. What does the document include and for the following documents: Quotation(QT), Sales Order(SO), Delivery Order(DO), Invoice (IV), Cash Sales (CS) and Debit Note(DN)

We can also set once exceed limit & overdue limit,

  1. Unblock – No restrictions

  2. Block – Blocked for all users

  3. Override – Certain users which have access rights can key in their username & password to override.

  4. Suspended – Blocked with suspended message


If the customer provides you with certificate exemption number, you may fill in part A & B as below.



Maintain Supplier


Maintain Supplier it’s just a mirror of Maintain Customer, please refer to Maintain Customer.

Additional features: GIRO (beta version)

Please refer here to get more information on GIRO module

Maintain Stock Group

Allows the user to set default account posting for the a particular group of items.


Watch tutorial video here: Stock Maintain Stock Item

  1. Stock | Maintain Stock Group | New


  2. You can enter your code and description; you can also assign your costing method e.g. FIFO, Weighted Average & Fixed Cost.

  3. Assign the account accordingly to sales, cash sales, sales return, purchase, cash purchase and purchase return.


    In this case, you can create a different stock group for a different costing method, to apply on a different item code.

Maintain Stock Item

Allows user to maintain an item or service that you provide for your business.


Watch tutorial video here: Stock Maintain Stock Item

  1. Stock | Maintain Stock Item | New


  2. You can enter your code and description.

  3. You can assign your item to a group (see 2.4 Maintain Stock Group to create a new group)

  4. You can insert Base UOM as default / smallest unit of measurement. Ref Cost and Ref Price are used as default purchase and sales price.

  5. We categorize Reorder Level, Reorder Qty and Lead Time as one group. The settings here allow you to pre-set all these details, so that if the stock quantity drops to the reorder level, report is generated as a reminder to reorder.


    Reorder Level = When stock balance drops to a certain level, system will be able to prompt you to re-order your stock

    Reorder Qty = The quantity you wish to reorder when you print reorder advice report

    Lead Time = The number of days required for your stock item to arrive.

    Output Tax = Default output tax code for an item (only need to define if different from the system default output tax in Tools | Option | Customer)

    Input Tax = Default input tax code for an item (only need to define if different from the system default output tax in Tools | Option | Supplier)

    If you pre-set Tax in Customer & Stock Item, system default will capture Maintain Customer Tax Code only follow by Stock Item

  6. You can set MIN PRICE, so that your sales personnel won’t sell below min price.

  7. Multiple UOM purpose is useful for different packaging, as illustrated by the scenario below:

    Scenario A:

    I am selling blue pens, blue pens haves different packaging, I can sell by pcs, by box or by carton. Now, I can pre-set them this way:


    As you can see above, I have different Units of Measurement (UOM) and different rates,


    Base Rate = PCS = 1

    Box = 10 PCS

    Carton = 24 PCS