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General Ledger

Opening Balance


Watch tutorial video here: Youtube

General Ledger

  1. GL > Maintain Opening Balance

  2. Highlight the account that you wish to key in as opening balance, and click Edit.

  3. Insert the figure in local Dr or local Cr. Then Save.

  4. Make sure the Dr and Cr figures tally


Customer and Supplier

  1. Customer(Supplier) > New

  2. Set the Date (before system conversion date)

  3. Key in only the outstanding amount.

  4. The words “Past Invoice” must appear; (they will not appear if the inserted date is after system conversion date)

  5. Click Save.


Stock Value

  1. GL > Maintain Stock Value > Edit

  2. Set the year

  3. Insert the Opening Balance



Bank Reconciliation


For further info about bank reconciliation, refer to Bank Recon and Auto Bank Recon.

  1. GL > Bank Reconciliation > New

  2. Right click, to see Opening Bank Reconciliation

  3. Set the Date (before System Conversion Date)


Journal Entry


Watch tutorial video here: Youtube

  1. GL > Journal Entry

  2. Key in your double entry

  3. Click on Save (System will blocked in Dr and Cr are not tally)


Cash Book Entry


Watch tutorial video here: Youtube

Cash book entry is normally used for a non-customer/ supplier payment or receipt e.g. payment for salaries, utilities etc.

  1. GL > Cash Book Entry > New (choose between Payment Voucher or Official Receipt)


  2. Insert Payable Name > Select GL Code > Tax > Amount
