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Sales Work Flow

Example of sales process work flow aligned with SQL Account flow:


Sales Quotation


Watch tutorial video here: Sales Quotation

  1. Sales | Quotation | New

  2. Select Customer Code

  3. Insert the item that is requested by the customer, and you can estimate your profit & loss in this transaction by checking on Profit Estimator


  4. After everything is keyed in correctly, save the Sales Quotation

  5. Preview the report and you can print or export it into PDF/ Email/ RTF(Microsoft Word)/Excel or others.


Sales Order


Watch tutorial video here: Sales Invoicing Sales Order

  1. Sales | Sales Order | New

  2. Select Customer Code

  3. Right Click on Sales Order title, select Transfer from Quotation. You can either transfer the whole quotation or only part of the quotation document (*Partial Delivery Module requested)


  4. Save the Sales Order.


    For additional reports showing outstanding sales orders, you can access Sales | Print Outstanding Sales Document Listing, and select Sales Order to view. This also applies to other sales documents.

Sales Delivery Order

  1. Sales | Delivery Order | New

  2. Select Customer Code

  3. Right Click on D/Order title, select Transfer from Sales Order.

  4. Save the Delivery Order.


    Once the delivery order is saved, the stock will be deducted.

Sales Invoice

Create New Invoice


Watch tutorial video here: Sales Invoicing Sales Invoice

  1. Sales | Invoice | New

  2. Select Customer Code

  3. Right Click on Invoice title, select Transfer from Delivery Order.

  4. Save the Invoice.

Show Double Entry


Watch tutorial video here: Ctrl + O

There have 2 methods to show double entry of the transactions:

  1. After you save then invoice then you can press on keyboard short cut key “ Ctrl + O” to get the show double entry result.


  2. After you save the invoice, you may right click on the wording of Invoice then select “Show Double Entry”.


Cash Sales

  1. Sales | Cash Sales | New

  2. Select Customer Code

  3. Insert item and Save the Cash Sales.

  4. When saving, the system will prompt a Payment/ Change dialog box



Sales Credit Note


Watch tutorial video here: Sales Invoicing Sales Credit Note

  1. Sales | Credit Note | New

  2. Select Customer Code

  3. Right Click on Credit Note title, select Transfer from Sales Invoice/ Cash Sales, enter the returned quality in X/F column.

  4. Save the Credit Note.


Sales Cancelled Note (required partial delivery module)

Sales Cancelled Note is used for the cancelling of any outstanding Sales Order.

  1. Sales | Sales Cancelled Note | New.

  2. Right Click on the Cancelled Note title, select Transfer from Sales Order; (in Sales Cancelled Note, items can only be inserted by transferring from Sales Order)


  3. You can choose to transfer the sales order either by the whole document or partially.


  4. Save the Cancelled Note.