Create Assignment
Assignment is a qualitative mission (non-countable). E.g. Idea brainstorm, Clothes design.
This feature is only available to manager.
Step 1 - Assignment Information
Properties | Description | Note |
Title | The title of the mission. | Required |
Description | A detailed description of the mission. | Required |
Project/Job/Task | The category for the mission, indicating whether it relates to a project, job, or specific task. | - |
Start Date | The date when the mission begins. The start date must be today or a future date. | Required |
End Date | The date when the mission ends. The end date must be later than the start date. | Required |
Clear | Clears all content on the current page. | - |
Next | Navigates to the next page. | - |
Select a Project, Job, and Task from the dropdown. If you leave any of these fields set to (None), the Manager's Project, Job, and Task will be used in the SQL Payroll.
Step 2 - Milestone and Rewards
Properties | Description | Note |
Milestone and Rewards | Section for entering details about milestones and associated rewards. | At least one |
Consultant Rewards | Section for selecting consultants and specifying their respective rewards. | Required |
Payment By | Section for selecting the payment method and specifying the payout month. | Required |
Bonus | Section for entering additional bonus rewards. | - |
Clear | Clears all content on the current page. | - |
Back | Navigates to the previous page. | - |
Next | Navigates to the next page. | - |
Milestone and Rewards
Properties | Description |
Milestone (%) | Text field to input the percentage of the milestone (e.g., 20%). |
Description | Text field to input the description of the milestone (e.g., the requirements to achieve the particular milestone). |
Rewards | Text field to enter the rewards available to the achievers of the particular milestone. There are 2 types of rewards: 1. Cash (RM): Commission or allowance provided through the SQL Account on the payout date. 2. Coins: Digital coins that can be used to redeem gifts in SQL Vision via Gift. |
Add | Adds a new milestone along with its respective rewards. |
Delete | Deletes a specific milestone and its associated rewards. |
Consultant Rewards
Consultants are employees responsible for providing guidance on a particular mission. They do not complete the mission themselves.
To add a consultant click on to navigates to the Select Consultant page. The selected consultants will be listed down in the Consultant Rewards section under the associated rewards.
Payment By
The payment method applies only to Cash. All coins will be paid immediately upon entitlement.
There are two types of payment methods:
Payment Terms:
- The payout month, which will be X months after the entitled month.
- E.g., if set to 3 months, the reward will be paid after 3 months from when the employee achieved and became entitled to the reward.
Settlement Month:
- The entitled cash will be collected until a specific month for payment, either inclusive or exclusive of that month.
- Inclusive Setting: If inclusive with January and August, all rewards entitled from February to August will be paid in August, while rewards entitled from September to January will be paid in January.
- Exclusive Setting: If exclusive with January and August, all rewards entitled from January to July will be paid in August, and rewards entitled from August to December will be paid in January.
Properties | Description |
Description | Text field to input a description of the bonus (e.g., extra points that you hope the employee can achieve, though it is not mandatory). |
Rewards | Text field to enter the rewards available to the achievers of the particular bonus. |
Add | Adds a new bonus along with its respective rewards. |
Delete | Adds a new bonus along with its respective rewards. |
Step 3 - Add Members
There are 4 combination of members that can be created in Assignment:
Normal member:
An employee who performs the mission without a specific management or advisory role. -
An employee authorized to manage the task but does not complete the mission themselves. Admin shall not be entitled to any reward. -
An employee who provides guidance on the mission without directly managing or completing it (e.g., an advisor). -
Consultant and Admin:
An employee who both guides the mission and manages the task but does not complete the mission themselves. This employee will be entitled to consultant's reward.
The Normal Member and Admin can be created in Add Members in Step 3, on the other hand the Consultant and Consultant and Admin combination can be created in Consultant Reward in Step 2.
Properties | Description |
Search | Allows you to search for employees by their names. |
Filter | Allow you to filter and sort the employee list. |
Group | Allow you to apply group. See more in group. |
Select All | Allow you to select all employees at once. |
Make Quest | Converts your mission into a Quest. See more in quest. |
Back | Navigates to the previous page. |
Create | Creates the mission. |
The employee list can be filtered and sort by:
- Branch
- Department
- HR Group