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Upskill Creation

Creation Steps

Step 1 - Course Information

Course Info Diagram

TitleThe title of the course.-
DescriptionA detailed description of the course.-
TutorThe main tutor of the course.-
Assistant TutorThe assistant tutor for the course.-
ClearClears all course information on the current page.-Manager:
Clears all course information.

Tutor Assistants:
Clears all excepts tutor and assistants information.
NextNavigate to the next page.--


  • Tutor is the employee responsible for giving lessons and providing guidance throughout the learning process in the course.
  • There will be only one lead tutor in every course.

Add Tutor Diagram Add Multiple Tutors Diagram

Assistant Tutor

  • Assistant Tutor plays a role in supporting the lead tutor in completing the course smoothly.
  • There can be multiple assistant tutors in every course.

Add Assistant Tutors Diagram

Step 2 - Sessions Information

Session Info Diagram

Date RangeDisplay the start date and end date of the course which is determined by first and last session's date. -
Rewards By Session / CompletionDetermine whether the reward is calculated by session or by completion.

By Completion
- Rewards are issued when participants achieve full attendance across all sessions (100% attendance).

By Session
- Rewards are issued once participants attend any session.
Rewards calculate by session.

Rewards calculate by completion.

To know more about rewards type, click here
Session (Dropdown)The details of each session of the course.-
AddAdd more sessions to the course.-
BackNavigate back to the previous page.-
NextNavigate to the next page.-

Session Details

Session Details Diagram

TitleThe title of the session.-
DescriptionA detailed description of the session.-
DateThe date of the session.-
Start TimeThe start time of the session.-
End TimeThe end time of the session.Cannot be earlier than start time
VenueThe venue of the session.-

Step 3 - Rewards Information

Rewards Info Diagram

Session RewardsCompletion-based course: There is only one completion reward for the entire course.

Session-based course: There are multiple session rewards. Each session will have their respective session rewards.
Default reward is "0".
Payment byType of payment method for this course.
This payment method only applicable for cash only, coins will be paid immediately upon entitlement.
Same concept as in task creation's payment by, click here
Bonus RewardsExtra criterias that employee can achieve to earn more rewards.Default reward is "0".

If a value is specified in cash or coins, the bonus criteria must be provided.

Same concept as in task creation's bonus, click here
ClearClears all rewards on the current page.-Manager:
Clears all rewards.

Tutor Assistants:
No clear button as they cannot edit rewards.
BackNavigate to the previous page.--
NextNavigate to the next page.--

Session rewards

  • Completion-based course: There is only one completion reward for the entire course.
  • Session-based course: There are multiple session rewards. Each session will have their respective session rewards.

Rewards Info Diagram

Step 4 - Participants Information

Participant Info Diagram

Is PublicDetermine whether this course is public or private.On:
Public course.

Private course.

To know more about public and private course, click here.
Filter IconFilter and sort the employee list.By branch, department & HR group.
Group IconApply group members.To know more about group, click here.
Select AllSelect all employees as participants.Can press again to deselect all employees.
Available SlotsThe available slots left for this course (Number of selected participants / maximum pax).As this is private course, so there is no maximum pax, hence the maximum pax is "-".
Selected Employees (With tick)All employees in the companies that participate in this course.Click to remove employee from course.

Selected participants cannot be removed when the course has started (ongoing).
Unselected Employees (Without tick)All employees in the companies that does not participate in this course.Click to add employee to course.
BackNavigate back to the previous page.-
SaveCreate or edit the course.-

Is Public

Public course

  • A public course is visible to participants in specific branches, departments, or HR groups as set by the manager.
  • It allows eligible participants to register on their own.

Private course

  • A private course is not open for general registration.
  • Instead, participants are manually added by the manager.
  • Only those who are added to the course can view it in the course tab.

If the is public switch is on, the maximum pax, branch, department and HR group fields are required.


If a course is public, the manager can manually add participants who do not belong to the specified branches, departments, or HR groups.

Public Switch Diagram

Edit Course

  • The diagram below illustrates the manager's and tutor assistants' edit permissions based on the different course statuses.
  • To know more about course status, click here.

Tutor and assistants cannot edit any rewards-related field.


Manager Edit Course Diagram

Tutor & Assistants:

Tutor Assistant Edit Course Diagram