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Sample Recurring Company

module required
  • DIY Field
  • DIY Script
  • Multiple Pricing (Price Tag)

Steps & Instructions

Use Company Category for filtering

  1. Customer | Maintain Customer | Cust. Category = Filtering


  2. Sales | Quotation |

    DocNo Format := CompanyCategoryCode;Type

    • CompanyCategoryCode must exactly same as Maintain Customer Category Code
    • Type = For own reference to differentiate the purpose for the IV

    Eg :

    • A-Tenant;Main => For Maintenance
    • A-Tenant;Water => For Water Billing
    • A-Tenant;Park => For Car Park




  3. Sales | Invoice | Invoice auto generated.

    Master Description

    • If using 1.Generate Maintenance it will use the Quotation Master Description.
    • If using 2.Generate Water it will shown how much the water usage [Master Description (MMM YYYY) - CurrentReading - PreviousReading=Usage@UnitPrice].
    • If using 2.Generate Water with "Include Grid Detail Info." Option tick it will use the Quotation >Master Description.
    • Rounding Mechanism only for WATER & ELECTRIC Itemcode
    • Make sure the UDF_WaterReading In Maintain Customer Default is 0 & not null.

    For Stock item

    • Must have ItemCode = WATER
    • Must have ItemCode = ELECTRIC
    • Must have Item Code = RTN5Cents
    • Must have ItemCode = OVERDUE is to record the interest Charges Rate
    • Price Tag => For Different UnitPrice for WATER & ELECTRIC

    Use Disc column as Rebate and Min Charge => Format := Rebate+MinCharge


    • Rebate 11.75 & MinCharge 5 => 11.75+5
    • Rebate 0 & MinCharge 5 => 0+5
    • Rebate 12.30 & MinCharge 5 => 12.
    • Lead Time :
      • 0: Both,
      • 1: Rebate Only,
      • 2: Min Charge Only

    Refer below sample picture:


    When you press ok, system will prompt this message as below :


    1. Press No so that the system will capture the Price you have set at Cust Price Tab.

    2. You may turn off this message from access right -> Tools | Maintain User | Edit | More | Access Right | Group | Untick Prompt Replace Unit Price Dialog (Except for ADMIN USER due to full access right)

    3. You may set the QTY in Maintain Item Cust Price Tab to capture Min Qty to have Min Charges.

    4. For Water & Electric :

      • If Current Reading - Last Reading <= QTY(set in CustPrice), system will capture MinPrice RM 5
      • Else If Current Reading - Last Reading >= QTY(set in CustPrice), system will capture Cust Price Tab UnitPrice Column
      • If did not set any price tag, then unitprice will always RM 1.(Advise set in cust price)
    5. For Generate Maintainance

      • Price will follow QT unitprice

Extra Information

  • In Sales Document Listing

    • Is a batch delete base on the parameter selected.
    • Once inovice has been deleted, the meter reading updated to Maintain Customer is unable to revise back. User still has to manually amend in Maintain Customer.
  • In Customer Due Listing(Calc Interest Charges)

    • Auto generate sales debit note for overdue invoice.

    • The rate is from Ref Price of OVERDUE Itemcode (just enter 0.1 for 10% pa)

    • Must click on Apply Button first before click on Post DN Button (else will prompt Null Point Exception error)

    • Interest Charges calculation is excluded Tax Amount

    • Formula for UnitPrice :

      • A = TaxAmount * Outstanding/DocAmt
      • B = Outstanding – A
      • Unitprice = (Rate/365) * B

      Rate is captured from Maintain Item code = OVERDUE, RefPrice column.

    • Formula for Qty :

      If Age < Calendar of the Month then

      Qty = Age


      Qty = Based on the calendar day of the month

      Subtotal = Unitprice * Qty

    • Debit Note Date = Customer Due Document Date

  • In Customer Payment

    • Will auto generate Overdue Debit Note if the Knock-off Invoice is overdue.

    • User can set Default Value to False (at AR_PM - Payment Field), if not used (Default Value is set to True)


      Formula: Rate/365 * KOAmt


      Rate is capture from Maintain Item code = OVERDUE, RefPrice column